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Business Continuity Management > Business Continuity – Internal Audit, Customer Audit, External Assessment, ISO Audit

Business Continuity – Internal Audit, Customer Audit, External Assessment, ISO Audit

In any audit or assessment, the ONE BCM menu provides the Project Managers as Project BCP/DR Reps, Location BCP/DR reps, Function BCP/DR Reps, and users with access to Lighthouse the ability for quick view of BCP Plans, Test Results, and essential Audit exhibits

All other vital records, documentation, sign off documentation, customer records, customer test schedules, customer test results, learning, risk register, action plan for continuity risks identified shall be displayed from the respective project, function, service repository. The Project managers, Function Reps, Location Reps, Function managers only have access to their respective URL.

LIGHTHOUSE is the system of record for Continuity Plan and Test Results.

What are the Steps required to answer the questions, remarks, observations by the customer with respect to the Biz continuity plan documentation and test results ?

Customer representatives request for additional information or ask questions, have observations, remarks with respect to the documented business continuity plan.

This exhibit below will provide the required steps to be taken consciously to adequately engage the customer and respond to the questions, observations, remarks in an orderly manner. All relevant stake holders and interested parties shall be engaged by the business continuity plan owner to respond adequately.

SPHR Score ID (110) – What must I do to ensure that the BCM Plan score is GREEN ?

SPHR Score ID (120) – What must I do to ensure that the BCP / DR Drill score is GREEN ?

Lighthouse, Testing, Crisis Management First Point Contact :

Name Email Address
Global Business Continuity & Resilience Team Rajesh Patankar, Shivani, Javed, Shahid, Jayesh,
Vinod J, Harsha
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