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Lighthouse is an in-house toolkit. This toolkit enables Project managers, Function BCP/DR Reps, Location BCP/DR Reps, BCP/DR Plan Reps for continuity of business plan documentation.

The narrative below provides an insight of important aspects to consider. The narrative also enables you to understand the aspects of Vital Records, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as well as ICT/DR plan documentation integration.

Full Life Cycle Continuity Plan or Slim / Lite BCP

The recommended business continuity plan is the Full life cycle plan. However, due to structural reasons the project meets all aspects mentioned below a Slim / Lite business continuity plan can be opted for.

Remember as the project demography changes the continuity plan which is Slim / Lite will need to be upgraded to a Full Life cycle BCP

Function Continuity Plan & Location BCP

Both the Function and Location Continuity plans are also documented in Lighthouse. These are specific plans to ensure that the Support function continues important business services and activities. The Location Continuity plan ensures that the Location – premises, people, environments and assets are available for service continuity and business continuity.

Successfully documenting the Lighthouse BCP

The narrative below provides an insight into how a project / function manager can allocate time and document the BCP plan. Every project manager / function manager / BCP Rep can choose any other better methodology and practice.

Remember the BCP plan is like your insurance policy. Hence paying attention and providing all the details is VITAL for a continuous profit-making business.

Documenting the ICT / DR Plans

Lighthouse provides vital record information links for ICT/DR plan documentation.

The GBC library and Business Management System (BMS) provides the templates for use.

Documentation of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The MOU is an important documentation which is engaged by the BCP plan owner with respective internal and external agencies.

This enables the BCP Plan owner (Project / Function manager / rep) to be ready and recover business / services as per recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives.

How does all this help?

What are the stages in LIGHTHOUSE?

The below picture provides the stages for completing the documentation of the continuity of business plan.

How do I navigate and login to LIGHTHOUSE ?

TWINGO => Information Security => Continuity Vigil => Get Started => Click on LIGHTHOUSE in the Right Window

Embedding Resilience Through Roles in Lighthouse

There are multiple roles which can be assigned to individuals in Lighthouse by the respective plan owners and compliance reviewers.

The purpose of these roles is to embed the culture of Resilience and enable service line delivery partners to be self sufficient as well as enable talent management and cross skilling within teams.

BCP Plan Rep & DR Rep

These roles can be assigned by the project manager to establish an internal team within the project / business unit / delivery unit / service line function for continuity of business plan documentation, testing, MOU (memorandum of understanding), dependency, ICT-DR and crisis coordination support.

Plan Approver for Lighthouse Continuity Plan

The project manager can identify and assign a plan approver in Lighthouse to establish independent plan review and sign off. This is a role which will enable a fair plan approval integrated with customer plan review and approval for documented continuity plans, test results and ongoing reviews. This establishes strong governance for the service delivery partner.

Risk / Compliance Review – Within the business

As a Risk officer of the practice, service line and service delivery partner the contractual requirements as well as the business requirements are best known to the business unit / practice risk officer. This role enables the business review and sign off to enable customer assurance and sign off. Trusted risk officer roles assigned by the Compliance Lead / point of contact enables this in Lighthouse. Service request and approval from the compliance lead ensures approved role access.

Resilience Through Partnership & Roles

Resilience through Partnerships is institutionalized through the construction of Roles in Lighthouse. Utilizing and assigning roles enriches the talent within the teams as well as adds on to the resilience of the service line delivery partner. Remember a single point of failure in business continuity planning is the WEAKEST point and STRENGTHENING this weakness is the objective and purpose of Roles in Lighthouse.

Resilience as a Culture is the most vital cultural aspect which strengthens and establishes Continuity of Business.

Lighthouse, Testing, Crisis Management First Point Contact :

Name Email Address
Global Business Continuity & Resilience Team Rajesh Patankar, Shivani, Javed, Shahid, Jayesh,
Vinod J, Harsha
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