Information Security Group

Location BCP Rep

[ Stage A] The business continuity process includes the above stages. The location council represented by three important functions Corporate Services, Human Resources and Technical Infrastructure in every building are the Location council representatives as the Location BCP team along with the Global Business Continuity team providing participative oversight and integrating the operations. This is the defined posture to exhibit and practice no single point of failure in representation.

[Stage B, C] Note the head count for the location building, direct, indirect, suppliers and building essential vital records and store them in the share point with respective functions. Please refer to (GBC Library: G-107 < Head Count Distribution Vital Record.

[Stage D] The impact analysis for the building is important to identify the impact across the attributes referring to (BIA Qualitative Value GBC Library: G-108 < Additional BIA Guidelines for Lighthouse Users > ) for the location building. The Lighthouse screen provides the drop downs as options to select the assessment.

[Stage E] The next action is to decide by referring to systems or platforms used by the function requiring ICT/DR plan. The ICT/Systems DR overlay plan as documented in the location continuity plan and organization are applicable. Support required by the Technical Infrastructure Management team, Corporate Services team and the Human Resources team are extended by Global teams as well as the Location council.

[Stage F] As a location BCP/DR Rep a workshop to understand the navigation of the Lighthouse and various features to document your plan. (Contact for the orientation of the Lighthouse toolkit).

[Stage G] Complete the documentation of plan in Lighthouse (Refer L85 < Lighthouse Screens Reference Handbook > in Lighthouse GBC Library, L-20 < Location Continuity Plan Help Aid > ).

[Stage H] Get oriented to know the documentation required for ICT/Systems DR plan. The respective system asset owners, application owners, service center owners will have their respective Systems DR plan which may be referred by the location Technical Infrastructure team for necessary actions of recovery. The reference forms are documented and shared with the Technical infrastructure management team by the Asset Owners either location based or globally. (TIM-FR002 < Project Authorization Form > ,TIM-FR011 < Systems and Applications – Individual Asset Risk Assessment(L-10) > ,TIM-FR020 < Project Stoppage Recovery – IT Assets for TIM MoU > ,TIM-FR021 < Service Stoppage Recovery > ), Service Center CoB Template in GBC Library < Service Center Continuity Plan(L-7) > , PSAQ < Project Systems Assessment Questionnaire(L-9) > , Application Recovery CoB(Help Aid: GBC Library: L-8 < Apps Recovery Continuity Plan > ), MoU(Help Aid: GBC Library: L-25 < Inter Group Memorandum of Understanding > ) , I-02(Help Aid: GBC Library: I-02 < Interconnect Template Help Aid > ).

[Stage I] Once you have completed documentation, proceed to have a repository of signed up the Memorandum of Understanding with Corporate Services providing them the data in templates by location teams in delivery and support services.(Help Aid: GBC Library: L-25 < Memorandum of Understanding Template > , Head count information Vital Record and travelers list maintained in your SharePoint).

[Stage I] Delivery teams and Support functions also sign up with the Technical Infrastructure team for System DR upkeep and support with the templates you have already filled up and stored in your SharePoint. (TIM-FR002 < Project Authorization Form on BMS TIM-FR011 < Systems and Applications – Individual Asset Risk Assessment on BMS TIM-FR020 < Risk Assessment of Project Stoppage, Project Stoppage Recovery – IT Assets for TIM MoU on BMS, TIM-FR021 < Risk Assessment of Service Stoppage ,Service Stoppage Recovery – TIM / CS / CIO on BMS > PAF for backup/restore of data and MoU).

[Stage K] Location council prepares the members of the council for the Emergency Notification System (ENS) test targets to be met through awareness across teams. Location HR, Global business continuity teams engage for the same. (Refer BCM Website FAQ :Question 12 for the awareness pictures and reference distribution).

[Stage M] The council representing service delivery, support functions engages with the internal delivery groups and other support functions to enable active participation in location tests, drills related to Building Evacuation, ENS/POSTMAN mechanized tests and essential tests for people safety wellness and recovery of business meeting recovery time objectives.

[Stage N] The council engages with the Global business continuity team for localized mechanized tests for the location / building over and above the global tests executed by the Global business continuity team for the organization. Specific requirements from the service delivery project managers, support team function head as well as location council members are engaged on a one-on-one basis.

[Stage O] The location service delivery teams, support teams as an ongoing activity participate in the mechanized call tree tests, customer drills evacuation drills for the location / building. Record learning and risks with mitigation plans in the respective service delivery, support function risk register (Refer [Risk Template: ISG-TP002 on BMS) Follow the Acceptable usage policy (Refer: ISG-PO004 on BMS). For supplier continuity planning and testing (Refer: Supplier Continuity Plan Template in Cross Function Activity Help Aid’s SCP-101- in Lighthouse GBC Library)

[Stage P] As a periodic activity the location continuity plan is reviewed and updated. This must be completed as an annual process or quarterly depending upon the direction of the Location Council. . Regenerate the Location Continuity Plan and engage the Location Council and team members to walk through the plan annually. Acting on the same is important.

Lighthouse, Testing, Crisis Management First Point Contact :

Name Email Address
Global Business Continuity & Resilience Team Rajesh Patankar, Shivani, Javed, Shahid, Jayesh,
Vinod J, Harsha
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