Information Security Group

BCP FAQ Questions

The ONE BCM menu provides the Project Managers as Project BCP/DR Reps , Location BCP/DR reps, Function BCP/DR Reps, and users with access to Lighthouse the ability for quick view of BCP Plans, Test Results, and essential Audit exhibits.

Customer representatives request for additional information or ask questions, have observations, remarks with respect to the documented business continuity plan.

This exhibit below will provide the required steps to be taken consciously to adequately engage the customer and respond to the questions, observations, remarks in an orderly manner. All relevant stake holders and interested parties shall be engaged by the business continuity plan owner to respond adequately.

Every associate in the organization has a role to play to be aware and knowledgeable of the business continuity plan. Participation in drills, tests and exercises conducted by the Project, Company, Customer is important.

As an IBU head you have important responsibilities as the overall business unit accountability to meet the recovery time objectives, minimum operating levels as well as preparedness is your management governance action. Customer communication during crisis utilizing toolkits such as ENS (Emergency Notification System), POSTMAN (Mass communication tool), Lighthouse plans which are approved by you and tested for business recovery are key items. Review of Continuity risks, mitigation measures and cost-effective recovery strategies, cost reviews of business continuity needs as well as ICT / Systems DR requirements are key aspects. The below chart provides the highlights.

Yes, the organization call tree process flow and outcomes is presented below in a pictorial representation. You may connect with to gain more knowledge and awareness in a scheduled session at your convenience and experience a test for yourself and the team engaging in the orientation program as the net learning value.

The pictorial representation provides a view of the orchestration of the testing regime to enable the surprise element, agility, select dynamic target groups and engage associates for achieving high responsiveness to be prepared for a Crisis which can strike anytime. The maturity of the testing program with what it constituted as legacy and what it marches to RISE aligned to the Threat and Risk landscape is below.

The below picture provides the steps and the flow which is required to be followed. Lighthouse, ENS, POSTMAN are the tools which the project manager must utilize to seamlessly conduct the test / drill.

The below picture provides you the flow to be considered. The project manager schedules the test in Lighthouse, Executes the test and updates the results in Lighthouse. Global Business continuity team provides oversight on request. The toolkits ENS and POSTMAN must be utilized for mechanized polling and communication tests integrated in the business recovery test.

The below picture provides you the flow shall be considered. The project manager schedules the test in Lighthouse, Executes the test and updates the results in Lighthouse. Global Business continuity team provides oversight on request. The toolkits ENS and POSTMAN must be utilized for mechanized polling and communication tests integrated in the business recovery test. The project manager/s engage the project teams, project management, customer representatives, suppliers, internal support teams for the test / drill.

Yes, the organization business continuity mechanized drills, testing program is enabled through Lighthouse toolkit integrated with ENS and POSTMAN the twin systems converging with Microsoft Forms as a blended experience. This program is setup to be perpetually maturing from 2023 onwards as a Live environment.

Please have a view of the various frameworks, templates available to achieve Systems Resilience in your Project, Customer Group Account, Function, Service Center in the picture below. All these templates are knit and available in the Lighthouse GBC Library and the BMS (Business Management System)

Call tree is the technique implemented by the organizations, people managers to seek acknowledgement of people safety, wellness, and availability for business continuity. In our organization the mechanized call tree is implemented where associates respond to the survey link provided in the notification from the system email id -

Yes, Please engage with to seek access to the pre-assessment survey and rise towards the ICT / Systems Resilience goal. The Global Business Continuity team will provide you an Oversight Assessment Report to take it ahead for necessary actions towards building a Resilient environment.

All designated project managers in the system aligned to projects have access to Lighthouse.

Yes, project manager can nominate a representative from his team to complete business continuity plan.

Twingo > Information Security > Dashboard > Manage LH BCP REP

There is total 11 screens in Lighthouse.

As a project manager you can opt for full continuity plan or update a Slim continuity plan on Lighthouse toolkit.

For Slim plan Screen S1 & S11 shall be updated and reviewed by respective compliance manager. As a recommendation a slim plan shall be documented only when the head count is less than or equal to 2 (two people).

All screens including S1 up to S11 shall be updated for full life cycle plan and reviewed by respective compliance manager.

A plan is complete when the project plan score is achieved, onscreen validation of the plan is met, and paginated document copy of the plan is generated for the project.

Follow the path listed below and you would be able to login to the business continuity documentation system.
Twingo > Information security > dashboard > lighthouse

Project manager can attend the sessions conducted by Global business continuity team.

Below are the project sub types which are excluded from business continuity planning
Project sub type Description
A-STG Andes-Dev-Standing-Team
BUFF Buffer
INND Internal Non-Delivery
INTFN Internal Function
INTIN Internal Investment
INTP Internal Practice
MGMT Management
OVRH Overhead
PASTH Pass through
PIPLN Pipeline
PRACT Practice
RSRCH Research
UABUF Un-Associated Buffer

Yes, a project manager can exclude the project from business continuity full life cycle program, based on the contractual obligations of the project and customer provided sign off for exclusion of the full program.

The Screen S1 & S11 shall be updated and reviewed by respective compliance manager in order that slim plan is documented for the intended exclusion from full life cycle plan.

No, every project which is in the non-excluded sub types shall maintain a minimum slim business continuity plan.

Yes, it is mandate for all projects to have a continuity plan. If the project follows customer continuity the synopsis of the plan in one or two lines must be updated in the slim business continuity plan in lighthouse. For example “. The work from home and alternate customer location are the strategies followed as per the customer continuity plan ”.

Yes, every valid project id in the valid sub-type of the business shall document a business continuity plan.

No, projects with Zero HC are not included in business continuity plan in lighthouse.

  • 1. Call Tree is mandatory – conducted through the mechanized ENS (Emergency Notification System) as a two way poll. The notifica-tion is received from
  • 2. Every other drill required to be conducted as per requirements and contracts shall be executed by the respective teams.

You can test your business continuity plan following the Testing guidelines as well as Help Aid’s available in Lighthouse as a blended resource. Lighthouse enables you to schedule your test as well as input the test results.
You may consult for support.

Twingo > Information Security > Dashboard > GBC Library > Drill Help aids.

All associates within the project must be aware of the continuity plan for their respective project. Hence the best way to provide the awareness is a plan walk through in one of your team meetings.

Dashboard > Account Exercise Scheduling > Select customer Group ID > Select Project ID > location > Crisis scenario > Exercise Category > planned date for the drill.

Project / Function manager is responsible to conduct the drill.

The considerations by the project manager/s and business unit head/s to get ready and prepare for business continuity drill / test/ exercising begins with scheduling. Considerations are provided below across seven points. The seventh point includes agencies who provide validation and assessed reviews.

Every project manager and business unit head own the continuity risk for their respective project and business unit. Hence it is purely the decision of the business to decide on the timetable, utilize Lighthouse, ENS, POSTMAN for testing and input results in Lighthouse for drill schedules. Continuous improvement is the key for quick responsiveness.

Project manager/s and Business Unit Heads are requested to complete the test on the date as recorded in the timetable. Risk by deviating from the timetable adds on to the cost incurred by the business unit causing reduced margins.

Once the project manager completes the plan, they can create a paginated document of their plan using Project Roll Up screen.

1. Business continuity plan document

2. Project / account roll up document

3. Drill completion evidence

4. Vital records for verification

5. One-BCM is the one place in Lighthouse for various business continuity essentials.

Project manager should maintain vital records for audit purpose.

Annual renewal is essential every year or the period set for renewal as per the requirement to keep the Continuity Plan as a LIVING PLAN.

On Screen 11 the project roll up button is activated once you complete the data input and document your plan.

Dashboard > Lighthouse C&AV Test Report > Cluster > IBG > IBU > Customer Group > Customer > Project ID (refer L-24 help aid)

Dashboard > Account rolls up lighthouse BCP (refer L-19 help aid)

Project manager can download the scorecard using below path.

Dashboard > Lighthouse > R1 Project Score card

Dashboard > GBC Library > L-85

Yes, if the plan is existing for People Soft (PS) ID the same can be migrated to SAP ID.

The navigation is provided below for necessary access and action

TWINGO=>INFORMATION SECURITY=>DASHBOARD and choose the drop down option Drill Schedule => Select Customer Group ID =>Check for Completed status for Drill Status in the Table on screen

The navigation is provided below for necessary access and action

TWINGO=>INFORMATION SECURITY=>DASHBOARD and choose the drop down option Drill Schedule => Select Customer Group ID =>Check for ACTIVE status for Drill Status in the Table on screen

The navigation is provided below for necessary access and action

TWINGO=>INFORMATION SECURITY=>DASHBOARD and choose the drop down option ENER Drill Result => Select Customer Group ID =>Select the Schedule ID to enter the drill results and complete the action in Lighthouse

Tech Mahindra Emergency Help Desk Toll Free Numbers for Medical Emergencies, Accident Trauma or Security Incidents

India: 1800-266-8926

Australia: 1800-317-018

United States of America: 1844-424-8338

United Kingdom: 0800-0315-687

Rest of the World: +91-20-6687-8111

Short Dial to reach out EHD within TechM Office: 7776 / 7779

If the project id falls under below category: then the project can be tagged as NPA

  • Project ID is Active only for Billing / Invoicing purposes.
  • Project ID is maintained for resource transition /Administrative purpose not involved in project deliverables.
  • Project plan is migrated from People Soft (PS) ID to SAP ID, People Soft (PS) ID deletion in PACE is in progress.

If the project id falls under below category: then the project can be tagged as NPA. Project manager should share the details with global business continuity team

  • Project ID is Active only for Billing / Invoicing purpose.
  • Project ID is maintained for resource transition /Administrative purpose not involved in project deliverables.
  • Project plan is migrated from PS ID to SAP ID, PS ID deletion in PACE is in progress.
Lighthouse, Testing, Crisis Management First Point Contact :

Name Email Address
Global Business Continuity & Resilience Team Rajesh Patankar, Shivani, Javed, Shahid, Jayesh,
Vinod J, Harsha
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