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Business Continuity Management > Data Backup & Restore

Data Backup & Restoration

Data backup and restoration is a vital component of ICT/DR Systems Recovery. Systems, Applications are qualified to be up and running as normal only after the data backups are restored back completely and successfully.

Asset protection of “Data” is implemented through a data backup process, schedule as an activity. The restoration process facilitates the examination of data retrieval for maintaining availability and completeness

The ability to restore data until the recovery point objective (RPO) stated in the continuity plans qualifies the success of the data restoration process.

The recovery point objective (RTO) can be achieved post data restoration, systems being available and customer service operations to initiate.

Steps for Data Backup & Data Restoration

The steps provided below enable a consistent, continuous data backup and data restoration process. Project Managers / Function Managers / Application Owners action the below collaborating with the Technical Infrastructure Management team.

  1. Update details in Project Authorization Form available in BMS (TIM-FR002) & (TIM-FR021), MOU –ICT-101 for BCP plan Vital Records
  2. Provide the data backup schedule as applicable
  3. As per the schedule – continuous monitoring of Data Backup Failures is essential
  4. Test Data Backup Restoration as a scheduled activity through Tests, Drills
  5. In Data restore drills & Business Recovery Exercise restore data to check meeting of RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and RTO (Recovery Time Objective)
  6. Examine restoration data completeness.
  7. Capture learning, implement risk mitigation actions

Why is documentation required for Data Backup and Data Restoration activities ?

Below is the importance of documentation requirements. Data is a highly valuable and precious asset.

  1. Without knowing what to backup it is impossible to secure the data
  2. Hence the information of what to backup and the frequency of backup is mentioned in the form
  3. This form enables the external dependencies to be contracted for supplier continuity planning

The exhibit below provides a few more additional points of awareness.

Why is an MOU essential?

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is an internal operational level agreement to enable you as a delivery project manager / function manager / application owner have a non-optional priority service agreed upon during a testing event or a crisis.

The below exhibit provides you insights for a better understanding and awareness.

Backup & Restore Institutionalized Processes

A few points to understand the various processes which are institutionalized are below.

Benefits of Data Backup and Restore

There are multiple benefits by implementing, practicing and testing data backup and restoration consistently.

Awareness of the benefits is represented here as a quick refresher

An Integrated View - ICT/Systems DR

A glimpse of the integrated view of ICT/Systems DR and data backup / restoration in Lighthouse with respective references is below.

Lighthouse, Testing, Crisis Management First Point Contact :

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Global Business Continuity & Resilience Team Rajesh Patankar, Shivani, Javed, Shahid, Jayesh,
Vinod J, Harsha
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