Information Security Group

CALL TREE – Overview

Call tree is a methodology by which an acknowledgement for safety, wellness, availability is provided by the receiver of the message.

A call tree process enables an organization, a people manager, to communicate a short message to the associates of teams during a potential crisis disrupting operations.

A call tree is executed through a standard message sent from ENS (Emergency Notification System) or POSTMAN (Mass communication toolkit) both integrated in LIGHTHOUSE.

The message is embedded with a survey form which must be acknowledged by the associate and account for safety, availability, wellness.

Business HR and Corporate HR assess this data for further actions associated with people’s safety and wellness.

The project manager and people manager assesses this data for availability of associates to activate strategies to meet Minimum Operating Level and Recovery Time Objectives.

Global Business Continuity team conducts mechanized drills, tests across projects, customer group accounts, buildings continuously.

Participate in CALL TREE: People safety is our 1st PRIORITY

Responding to emails from is important to engage yourself and your team in the mechanized call tree drill, test, exercise conducted by the Global Business Continuity team.

Your response adds up to a high Responsive Organization Posture as a culture which is a well appreciated differentiator to gain customer confidence and delight as a resilient organization.

A Visual awareness of the Calltree Notification you receive

A visual awareness of the options in the Survey to acknowledge

Why and how much time do I have to respond to the Calltree?

People’s safety is the 1st aspect in business continuity. Hence the quicker the response the higher the resilience of the organization to bounce back and continue business important activities.

After you receive the email from you have 24 hours to respond. The best practice is 80% responses in the 1st hour and the remaining 20% in 4 hours.

How does Calltree enable a project manager to account availability and recover in disruptions?

Call tree responses enable you as a project manager to seek assurance of your team’s safety, wellness, and availability.

With this data the project manager can select the strategies to be activated to meet minimum operating levels and recovery time objectives.

What is the impact of not responding to the Calltree whether you work in the TechM offices or ODC or a Client Office?

Failure to respond to a call tree is a failure to provide your availability, safety and wellness status to your manager and the organization.

Hence if you are in office and have access to your emails you must respond to the by responding to the survey embedded in the call tree message immediately as you read it.

If you are working out of an ODC or a Client office as a best practice, check your emails once in 24 hours and respond to the message by acknowledging the survey embedded in the message.

What are the benefits of responding to the Calltree & can I as a people manager include a custom message in addition to the standard message when I trigger the Calltree utilizing the Lighthouse-ENS system for my project?

Call tree enables the project manager, people manager to take necessary recovery steps or actions is also a business continuity crisis management action for the people managers and project managers.

The call tree enables you to include a custom message and provide directions to your team for the relevant actions.

Global Call Tree at an Organization Level - Overview

Lighthouse, Testing, Crisis Management First Point Contact :

Name Email Address
Global Business Continuity & Resilience Team Rajesh Patankar, Shivani, Javed, Shahid, Jayesh,
Vinod J, Harsha
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