Information Security Group

BCP/DR Drill Rep

[ Stage A] Reading the business continuity plan will enable the BCP/DR rep to understand the various aspects documented and prepare a list of check points to be tested. Testing dependencies to enable the continuity plan be capable of integrating the actions and meeting recovery time objectives is the key objective to be achieved

[Stage B ] Vital records documented and stored in the share point repository must be collected and reviewed to data content to be adequate. Please refer to (GBC Library: G-107 < Head Count Distribution Vital Record > , L-4 < Reduced Resource Impact Analysis (RRIA) Template > , L-5 < Reduced Resource Impact Analysis (RRIA) Help Aid > , (TIM-FR002 < Project Authorization Form(L-12 GBC Library) > ,TIM-FR011 < Systems and Applications – Individual Asset Risk Assessment(L-10 GBC Library) > ,TIM-FR020 < Risk Assessment of Project Stoppage, Project Stoppage Recovery – IT Assets for TIM MoU(L-13 GBC Library) > ,TIM-FR021 < Risk Assessment of Service Stoppage ,Service Stoppage Recovery – TIM / CS / CIO(L-11 GBC Library) > PAF for backup/restore of data and MoU).

[Stage C] The BCP/DR Rep engages with the project manager to discuss and document the scheduled dates for the tests to be conducted in the project plan. Update the template including all stages above in (PRJ-TP005 Project plan template in Service Delivery Project Management Methodology for the project – template available in BMS). This ensures that the project manager and team actions the item on time as per the project plan.

[Stage D] In the project managers’ team meeting all team members are provided with an awareness of the test schedule as documented in the project plan by the Project BCP/DR Rep and Project Manager in the Stage C. (PRJ-TP005 Project plan template in Service Delivery Project Management Methodology for the project – template available in BMS and updated copy available with the project manager for the project).

[Stage E] The next action is to decide by referring to the contract if an ICT/DR testing is required. If you are hosting systems, applications then you will require a DR plan also. If not, you do not require the DR testing schedule at this stage. However the project will need the DR user testing participation for direct, indirect dependent infrastructure, systems from suppliers, partners, customers as well as corporate applications as applicable.

[Stage F] You must undergo a workshop to understand the navigation of Lighthouse Testing, Results modules as well as Mechanized tools ENS, POSTMAN, ONEBCM and other allied Checkpoint form usage methods as well as other features to test your plan. (Contact for the orientation of the Lighthouse toolkit).

[Stage G] Complete the scheduling of tests in Lighthouse (Refer L85 < Lighthouse Screens Reference Handbook > in Lighthouse GBC Library).

[Stage H] If you are requiring a Systems DR tests then you would require to document the same referring (TIM-FR002 < Project Authorization Form > ,TIM-FR011 < Systems and Applications – Individual Asset Risk Assessment(L-10) > ,TIM-FR020 < Project Stoppage Recovery – IT Assets for TIM MoU > ,TIM-FR021 < Service Stoppage Recovery > ), Service Center CoB Template in GBC Library < Service Center Continuity Plan(L-7) > , PSAQ < Project Systems Assessment Questionnaire(L-9) > , Application Recovery CoB(Help Aid: GBC Library: L-8 < Apps Recovery Continuity Plan > ), MoU(Help Aid: GBC Library: L-25 < Inter Group Memorandum of Understanding > ) , I-02(Help Aid: GBC Library: I-02 < Interconnect Template Help Aid > ). Schedule the tests in coordination with the Technical Infrastructure Management teams engaging directly as per signed MOU’s references.

[Stage I] Prepare for the BCP tests by cross verification and notifying the participants of the continuity test across the head count distribution information you have stored as a vital record. Provide an orientation referring to the test schedule and activities expected to be done. Please refer to (GBC Library: G-107 < Head Count Distribution Vital Record > , L-4 < Reduced Resource Impact Analysis (RRIA) Template > , L-5 < Reduced Resource Impact Analysis (RRIA)

[Stage K] Test as per the drill category scheduled. Ensure that you conduct the INIT call, MID-WAY call and the TERMINAL call. Send out notifications and include along with other contact lists not limited to the customer contact, supplier contact, internal support MOU partner, project manager, testing team in the project, project team members, observers of the test and project management as a test progress update (Refer help aid GBC Library: L-73 < Plan Walk Through Navigator Help Aid > , L-36 < CIO Applications Recovery > ), L-29 < Call Test > ,L-30 < Table Top Exercise > ,L-31 < Desktop or Laptop Recovery > ,L-32 < Business Recovery Exercise > ,L-33 < Business.Premise Rec.Drill_&_Extended WFH > ,L-34 < Data Recovery Meeting RPO > ,L-35 < AD File&Print Services Fail Over > , L-36 < CIO Applications Recovery > ,L-37 < Data Communications Services fail over > ,L-38 < LAN – Services & Systems Failover and restore > ,L-39 < ODC Voice Communication Failover > ,L-40 < Appliance Host – Failover Rebuild > ,L-41 < Storage Systems Failover > , L-32 < Business Recovery Exercise > Scheduling / BR Drill). If you have systems and data backup / restore conduct a Data Restoration Drill meeting RPO (Refer: L-34 < Data Recovery Meeting RPO > ).)

[Stage M] Engage with the relevant stakeholders and interested parties in the INIT, MID-WAY and TERMINAL calls. Update results in LIGHTHOUSE.

[Stage N] Utilize ENS and POSTMAN in the testing process across the test life cycle to experience mechanized testing and responsiveness in the test. (Engage with the Global business continuity team for support – write to

[Stage O] As an ongoing activity participate in the mechanized call tree tests, customer drills evacuation drills for the location / building. Record learning and risks with mitigation plans in your risk register (Refer [Risk Template: ISG-TP002 on BMS) Follow the Acceptable usage policy (Refer: ISG-PO004 on BMS). For supplier continuity planning and testing (Refer: Supplier Continuity Plan Template in Cross Function Activity Help Aid’s SCP-101- in Lighthouse GBC Library)

[Stage P] Download project test report/s from the ONEBCM menu in Lighthouse. As a periodic activity the team must evaluate the learning, results, upgrade plans, share learning and revisit the cycle to mitigate any gaps identified. Schedule re-tests and include the re-tests timetable in the lighthouse toolkit. Acting on the same is important. Continuous testing is important and quicker response is the target for the accountable project manager and team. Update the project plan (PRJ-TP005 Project plan template in Service Delivery Project Management Methodology for the project – template available in BMS and updated copy available with the project manager for the project).

Lighthouse, Testing, Crisis Management First Point Contact :

Name Email Address
Global Business Continuity & Resilience Team Rajesh Patankar, Shivani, Javed, Shahid, Jayesh,
Vinod J, Harsha
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